The nail is the one of the toughest substances of our body, which acts as a shield to the fingertip of hand or leg. So it is important that proper care should be taken of the nails of our fingers and toes. But sometimes we may find that some nails darken gradually and become thick, easily breakable and painful, which is mainly due to the infection caused by the fungi that start growing on the affected nails.

Some of the most commonly seen causes for fungal growth on nails are ;

  •   Previous injury on the nails
  •  Excessive exposure of the nails to moisture
  • Weaker immunity system of the body that cannot prevent infection
  •  Presence of high sugar level in the blood
  •  Keeping the toes or fingers enclosed within tight shoes or gloves for too long
  •  Use of artificial nails may sometimes pass the infection to nails

Hence everyone needs to be cautious about this painful ailment and if it cannot be prevented at all, then it is more likely that the patients will look out for some easy home remedies for quick relief, rather than the expensive medicines and ointments prescribed by the doctors for its cure.

 Below are home remedies that can be used to treat toenail fungus.
  1. Apple Cider Vinegar has a natural fungicidal action that not just kills the fungus, but also prevents bacteria from causing a secondary infection. All you need to do is mix equal parts of apple cider vinegar and water. Soak your toenails in this solution for 30 minutes every day for a few weeks. You will find the infection will start clearing off gradually.

  2. Tea tree oil is another antifungal remedy that helps clear the fungal infection as well as other skin infections. Just mix a few drops of tea tree oil in a teaspoon of coconut oil. You can even use olive oil if you wish. Apply it to the affected toenail with the help of cotton. Allow it to stay on for about 10 to15 minutes and then scrub the affected toenail with the help of a toothbrush. Carry out this procedure at least 3 times a day to get positive results.

  3. Coconut oil has the ability to penetrate the cell wall of fungi such as Candida. It causes the protective cell wall to dissolve, destroying the fungus. Thus, in turn, it helps one get rid of the toenail infection. All you need to do is apply a layer of coconut oil on the affected areas and allow it to soak in for about 15 minutes. Carry out this natural remedy for toenail fungus as many times you can in a day.

  4. Mouthwash not just helps kill bacteria in the mouth, but can also help eliminate the fungal infection of the toenail. Mouthwash contains many compounds that act as an antiseptic that prevents growth of germs and fungi. All you need to do is mix equal parts of mouthwash and white vinegar in a small tub. Soak the affected foot in this solution for at least 30 minutes. Then, scrub your infected toenail gently with a toothbrush and then rinse it off. Dry your feet well and repeat the remedy 2 times a day.

  5. Oil of oregano mixed with a teaspoon of olive oil acts as an antiseptic, antiparasitic, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal as well as an analgesic agent. All you need to do is mix just 2 drops of oil of oregano in one teaspoon of olive oil. Use cotton to apply this mixture to the affected area and allow it to get soaked for 30 minutes. Rinse it off and dry your feet well. Repeat this natural home remedy for toenail fungus 2 times a day.
     6.Lemon juice Lemon is known to be very rich in citric acid; hence its juice has been known to be really useful in stopping the fungal growth in the infected nails. Some drops of lemon juice have to be directly applied over the whole fingers or toes holding the affected nails and kept there for at least 15 - 20 minutes, before washing off with clear water.

The infection usually clears off with these effective home remedies. However, if the infection spreads to other toenails or leads to a lot of pain, consult a doctor for further advice.

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