For a woman, her hair is one of the most important beauty aspects. A mane blessed with thick, lustrous, and healthy hair can make a great first impression. That's why it can be tough for a woman to deal with alopecia and thinning. Most women take their healthy and lustrous hair for granted until they start losing it and the mane feels decidedly lighter and thinner. Alopecia in women can be disastrous and have a devastating effect on them, both physically and psychologically

causes of hair loss (Alopecia) in women

Hair loss in women can happen due to several reasons. The most common cause is excessive use of hair styling tools. These devices generate a lot of heat which can progressively damage your hair follicles that leads to hair loss. Crash diets can also result in hair loss, as the hair follicles are deprived of critical nourishment such as protein. Some types of medications, such as beta-blockers, anticoagulants, and antidepressants, can also trigger alopecia over a period of time. Infections and diseases may sometimes result in a thinning scalp. It has been observed that fungal and bacterial infections on the scalp can also cause severe alopecia.
 The home remedies for hair loss are as follows;

1 .Hibiscus oil 

 The procedure is quite simple. You need to take out the flower and leaves from hibiscus plant and boil them in coconut oil. Then let it cool down before you apply it.
Regular use makes your hair shiny and strong.

2 .Olive Oil

 It is rich in antioxidants, it has been used in the middle - east for thousands of years for everything from healing wounds to cooking and more, and it provides a great nourishment to your hair.

It also penetrates hair shafts better and prevent them from narrowing down by controlling the "DTH" hormone.

3 .Almond Oil

 It is perhaps the most nutritious oil with its rich contents that include vitamins E, D, iron, magnesium, calcium, and natural healthy fats

4 . Lavender Oil

 Is beneficial for preventing hair loss due to its antioxidant nutrients as well as antifungal and antiseptic properties, not mention its great soothing smell

5 . Rosemary Oil

 Come from rosemary leaves, is an essential oil used to help prevent hair loss even for acute alopecia arĂȘte condition (A condition that cause round patches of hair loss).

6 . Geranium Oil

extracted from plant's leaves and stalks is good for both dry and oily hair. It works on the sebaceous glands on your scalp and helps in regulating the secretion of sebum

Geranium oil also used as an aromatherapy for its many health benefits including its ability to balance hormones, reduce stress, inflammation and irritation.

7 . You can also apply egg once in a week. Blend one egg with 2 spoons of olive oil and 1 spoon of rose water. Then apply it over your scalp and hair and leave for 1 hour. Then wash it with a mild shampoo. Make sure that you apply it to a clean head. You can even shampoo before the application and then shampoo again.

The are a lot of ways to stop or slow down your thinning hair, even reverse it, some use potions and natural remedies others use implants, however its recommended that you try natural home remedies measures before you go out for other alternatives

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Almost everyone has heard of essential oils, but how many of us really know what their uses are beyond the popular aromatherapy. Some of these oils are used in processing natural soaps and lotions partially due to the way they smell or other benefits. Just the scent of some essential oils may relax or put one in a better mood. Here are 10 of the most popular oils and what their uses. 

1.Lemon oil

 Is great for everything from furniture polish to killing bad breath germs. This is another great oil for relieving stress and it makes an effective hand sanitizer if mixed with aloe gel.

2.Tea Tree oil

 Is one essential oil that should be in every medicine cabinet. This is one oil that you must never take internally, but used topically is amazing for eczema, acne, nail fungus, warts and bug bites. Try putting a drop or two in your shampoo to treat dandruff and even head lice. Keep fleas away from pets by putting drops around your pet's bed.

3.Lavender oil

 Is a wonderful scent. Lavender essential oil is said to induce relaxation. Other topical uses include, soothing skin rashes to minor burns. Adding a few drops to a bath is known to induce relaxing sleep and clear the sinuses. Lavender is great when used in the laundry for eliminating odors.

4.Peppermint oil

 Is great in tea to ease an upset tummy. Try mixing a few drops with some coconut oil and applying to topically to relieve cramps. A drop or two will back a tick out and off your skin, and cool hot tired feet. Use a little in your mop bucket to clean floors and leave a fresh scent. Put a drop wherever you see signs of rodents or spiders, they will not return.

5.Eucalyptus oil

 Eases shingles, asthma attacks and fibromyalgia pain. Add some to an oil diffuser in your bathroom to eliminate germs and offensive oduors.

6.Clove oil 

Is very effective to relieve toothaches. It has been used for many centuries for many mouth related pain. It is also great for relieving athlete's foot, prickly heat, earaches, mosquito repellent and even bruises.

7.Chamomile Tea.

 As a tea it is often prescribed to relax when nerves are on edge. As an oil it is great for dry skin, dermatitis, bee stings and cuts or bruises. Try putting a few drops in doorways to keep insects out of your home.


It has been used for many years for keeping the dead safe it is also a great remedy for acne, warts, scar tissue and even a stress or migraine headache. Keep insects away and relieve a panic attack.


 Is not only a healthy, tasty fruit, it is also a great essential oil. Used topically it is great for cellulite, swollen lymph nodes and migraines. Mixed with baking soda it is also a refreshing deodorant. Much like lemon oil, the citrus oil is a great anti-bacterial that is used for cleaning and freshening all around the house.

10.Oregano oil

This particular oil is gaining popularity as an anti-inflammatory, anti-biotic and an anti-fungal. It can also relieve pain from fibromyalgia, cysts and tendonitis. Around the home use diluted as an antibacterial spray for any germy surface. It also repels bugs.

There are many more great essential oils that will alleviate many ailments, pains and even kills germs. Oils have been used for centuries to cure what ails, many years before modern medicine. Most are just as effective, or more so in curing illness and killing germs.

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There is no gainsaying the fact that the pregnant state naturally comes with its own peculiar challenges, with implications for both mother and baby. At least two individuals are involved - the mother and her baby(ies) - and a delicate yet vital balance must be maintained to ensure the health of neither is compromised in any way.

There is a popular adage that you are what you eat - and so is your baby! But why is this so true? The answer is not far-fetched. Everything you consume is digested and absorbed into the bloodstream and your unborn baby ultimately gets its own fair share through a vital organ, the placenta that normally links the mother and foetus, ensuring that the foetus receives adequate supply of oxygen and nutrients.

From the foregoing, it is now obvious that when you are pregnant, your unborn baby relies mainly on what you take for its nourishment to the extent that its health is directly linked to what you consume.

In view of this fact, let us now take a look at some of the foods that could be harmful to you and/or your baby during pregnancy;


Coffee and other caffeine-containing products are to be taken with caution during pregnancy. Numerous studies suggest that high levels of caffeine may be associated with miscarriage and low birth weight. In the same vein, caffeine is likely to cross the placenta and may lead to foetal distress in the unborn baby. The current recommendation is to limit caffeine intake to less than 200-300mg in a day if you must take it at all.

2.Raw or Uncooked Eggs

These are commonly infected by salmonella which is a common cause of acute food poisoning. Therefore, it is only wise for a pregnant woman to avoid raw eggs or products that contain raw eggs like home-made mayonaisse and ice cream. A valuable piece of advice is to cook eggs properly until the egg yolk and egg white are firm.


As much as fish can prove very beneficial to you during pregnancy since it is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and animal protein, you still need to be quite selective on which ones to consume. Seafoods like shark, swordfish, king mackerel and shellfish have been shown to contain high levels of mercury which can be injurious to the developing brain of your unborn baby. However, catfish, salmon, shrimp and tilapia are all safe for your consumption during pregnancy.


Any quantity of alcohol is not advised in pregnancy as alcohol intake increases your risk of miscarriage and stillbirth. Moreover, there is such a disease entity as the Foetal Alcohol Syndrome in which the unborn baby suffers from mental retardation, congenital heart defects and facial anomalies. Evidently, this syndrome is typically observed in babies of alcoholic mothers.

5.Raw or Uncooked Meat

Pregnant women usually stand a higher risk of severe food poisoning due to microorganisms like salmonella and listeria that are often found in raw or undercooked meat. More often than not, the foetus is at the receiving end as this may lead to unwarranted pregnancy loss. Furthermore, toxoplasma, the causative agent of toxoplasmosis is occasionally found in raw meat and can cause blindness and mental retardation in the unborn baby. Hence, it is advisable to cook meats and poultry thoroughly prior to consumption.

6.Unwashed Fruits and Vegetables

In spite of the tremendous benefits that fruits and vegetables offer, when contaminated, they are potential sources of various infections that could lead to severe food poisoning in the mother and adverse occurrences in the foetus. Hence, cultivate the good habit of washing fruits and vegetables thoroughly before consumption.

7.Liver and Liver Products:

Foods with a high content of vitamin A such as liver and liver products like cod liver oil, liver sausage and pate may not be the best for you during pregnancy. Although they are rich in iron and folic acid, they also contain significant quantities of vitamin A which may be harmful to the baby in the first trimester of pregnancy.

 In order to ensure that your pregnancy is a rewarding and satisfying experience culminating in the timely delivery of a healthy baby, it is important to avail yourself of the list above and steer clear of whatever food may jeopardize your health or that of your unborn baby.

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The nail is the one of the toughest substances of our body, which acts as a shield to the fingertip of hand or leg. So it is important that proper care should be taken of the nails of our fingers and toes. But sometimes we may find that some nails darken gradually and become thick, easily breakable and painful, which is mainly due to the infection caused by the fungi that start growing on the affected nails.

Some of the most commonly seen causes for fungal growth on nails are ;

  •   Previous injury on the nails
  •  Excessive exposure of the nails to moisture
  • Weaker immunity system of the body that cannot prevent infection
  •  Presence of high sugar level in the blood
  •  Keeping the toes or fingers enclosed within tight shoes or gloves for too long
  •  Use of artificial nails may sometimes pass the infection to nails

Hence everyone needs to be cautious about this painful ailment and if it cannot be prevented at all, then it is more likely that the patients will look out for some easy home remedies for quick relief, rather than the expensive medicines and ointments prescribed by the doctors for its cure.

 Below are home remedies that can be used to treat toenail fungus.
  1. Apple Cider Vinegar has a natural fungicidal action that not just kills the fungus, but also prevents bacteria from causing a secondary infection. All you need to do is mix equal parts of apple cider vinegar and water. Soak your toenails in this solution for 30 minutes every day for a few weeks. You will find the infection will start clearing off gradually.

  2. Tea tree oil is another antifungal remedy that helps clear the fungal infection as well as other skin infections. Just mix a few drops of tea tree oil in a teaspoon of coconut oil. You can even use olive oil if you wish. Apply it to the affected toenail with the help of cotton. Allow it to stay on for about 10 to15 minutes and then scrub the affected toenail with the help of a toothbrush. Carry out this procedure at least 3 times a day to get positive results.

  3. Coconut oil has the ability to penetrate the cell wall of fungi such as Candida. It causes the protective cell wall to dissolve, destroying the fungus. Thus, in turn, it helps one get rid of the toenail infection. All you need to do is apply a layer of coconut oil on the affected areas and allow it to soak in for about 15 minutes. Carry out this natural remedy for toenail fungus as many times you can in a day.

  4. Mouthwash not just helps kill bacteria in the mouth, but can also help eliminate the fungal infection of the toenail. Mouthwash contains many compounds that act as an antiseptic that prevents growth of germs and fungi. All you need to do is mix equal parts of mouthwash and white vinegar in a small tub. Soak the affected foot in this solution for at least 30 minutes. Then, scrub your infected toenail gently with a toothbrush and then rinse it off. Dry your feet well and repeat the remedy 2 times a day.

  5. Oil of oregano mixed with a teaspoon of olive oil acts as an antiseptic, antiparasitic, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal as well as an analgesic agent. All you need to do is mix just 2 drops of oil of oregano in one teaspoon of olive oil. Use cotton to apply this mixture to the affected area and allow it to get soaked for 30 minutes. Rinse it off and dry your feet well. Repeat this natural home remedy for toenail fungus 2 times a day.
     6.Lemon juice Lemon is known to be very rich in citric acid; hence its juice has been known to be really useful in stopping the fungal growth in the infected nails. Some drops of lemon juice have to be directly applied over the whole fingers or toes holding the affected nails and kept there for at least 15 - 20 minutes, before washing off with clear water.

The infection usually clears off with these effective home remedies. However, if the infection spreads to other toenails or leads to a lot of pain, consult a doctor for further advice.

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Spices are a great way to promote good health, especially when combined correctly. Many provide anti-inflammatory benefits; research shows that inflammation is at the root of many health problems. Some provide anti-oxidant benefits, which help fight against free radicals, which lead to cancer. Here are ten common spices that should be staples in your diet.


A powerful anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory, due to the Curcumin in it. It is best combined with black pepper, as black pepper contains piperine, which improves the absorption of curcumin by two thousand percent. Not only does it provide anti-oxidant benefits, but also stimulates the body's natural anti-oxidant abilities. It lowers the risk of heart and brain disease, as well as improves memory.

2.Cayenne Pepper

 This spice helps to wake up your metabolism, helping with weight loss. It contains Capsaicin, which provides pain relief (it is an active ingredient in several over-the-counter anti-soreness creams), fights prostrate cancer, stops ulcers, improved circulation, normalizes blood pressure, and it helps strengthen the heart. It also stimulates circulation and improves digestion. If you are sick with the flu it helps clear mucus congestion, and helps with sore throat and cough.


 If you grill or meat the process produces something called heterocyclic amines, which increase the odds of getting cancer. Marinating the meat in rosemary reduces the formation of heterocyclic amines by upwards of 84%. It helps boost concentration and relieve stress. It smells great too.


 Rich in vitamin K and a teaspoon provides as much anti-oxidants as three cups of spinach. Vitamin K helps with blood clotting, to build strong bones, helps prevent heart disease, and works in conjunction with vitamin D (to the point that one does not work if the other is not present). Early research suggests that oregano helps to prevent the flu. It contains Thymol and Carvacol, anti-bacterial agents that help fight infection and have quadruple the anti-oxidant levels that blueberries have. It helps ease menstrual cramping.


Eating a teaspoon a day of cinnamon reduces your risk for diabetes and heart disease within six weeks. It also helps to metabolize glucose so that you do not have the highs and lows that come with eating sugars. It lowers cholesterol and helps keep your arteries healthy. It also helps relieve indigestion, nausea, flatulence, and helps alleviate diarrhoea. It contains Glutathione, an anti-oxidant that helps with circulation.


 There are numerous health benefits to ginger, from helping settle an upset stomach to reducing the soreness experienced from a good workout. It contains the chemical Gingerol, which is believed to be an anti-inflammatory. The early research suggests that daily use helps improve memory and focus.


 Nutmeg is useful for good oral hygiene. It is full of anti-bacterial compounds, such as Macelignan, which reduces plaque and destroys cavity-causing microbes. It is also an anti-inflammatory that stifles tumour growth.


 It is an anti-fungal, an anti-bacterial, and an anti-viral agent, and some studies show that it helps prevent blood clotting.


 a powerful anti-inflammatory, it is fifty times more potent than vitamin C or E, and the early research suggests it helps prevent breast, stomach, and colon cancer. Cumin is found in curry (one of several ingredients), or can be used on its own. One tablespoon provides 20% your daily dose of iron, which helps with your energy level and immune system. Early studies show that it helps with memory.


 This spice is full of rosmarinic acid, which is an anti-inflammatory with a strong anti-oxidant, which is known to lower cholesterol and benefits memory.
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Wigs offer a great option for those who love to make a fashion statement, suffer from hair loss or need convenience in their daily routines. Today's wigs have come a long way from their heavy predecessors. Modern technology has delivered light, comfortable wigs in natural looking colors and styles. Wigs range in price from  low to high. Before investing in a wig, take into consideration the following.

1.Head Measurement

To ensure comfort, you need to find the right fit. Wigs typically come in four sizes, ultra petite, petite, average and large, but not all manufactures follow this size standards. You'll need to take three measurements of your head with a cloth measuring tape to find your size. First, measure around your head starting at you front hairline, going over your ear, around the bend in your neck and up above your other ear to the starting point. Next, measure front to back starting at your front hairline and going back over your crown to then nape of your neck. Finally, measure ear to ear starting at the hairline in front of one ear and going up over the crown to the front of your other ear. Once you have your measurements, compare them to the manufacturers' sizing
charts for the perfect fit.

2.Face shape

Your face shape can help you decide what wig length, texture and style will flatter you most. If you have an oval face shape, you can wear any length or style. Round faces look best with chin-length or longer styles with fullness and height in the crown and off-center parts. For square faces, choose a style with fullness in the crown that lengthens the face. If you have a rectangular face shape, try short to medium styles with fullness at the sides and wispy bangs. Heart-shaped faces look best with chin-length and longer styles, side parts, wispy bangs and layers around the face. If you're unsure about choosing the right wig style, consult your hairdresser. Once you purchase the wig, he can cut and customize it to better enhance your features.

3.Hair Fiber

Wigs may be made from synthetic fibers or human hair, and both have advantages and disadvantages. Synthetic wigs come pre-cut and pre-styled and require little to no styling. They're easy to maintain, hold their shape, dry fast and cost less than human hair wigs. You can't use a blow dryer, iron or hot rollers on synthetic wigs, so styling options are limited. Human hair wigs offer styling versatility and can be heat styled, colored and permed. They need the same care you give to your natural hair and require more upkeep than synthetic wigs.

4.Wig Color

Wig shades mirror our natural hair and include darker roots, lighter ends and highlights. When choosing the right shade, you want to find harmony between hair color, eye color and your complexion. You can do this by choosing your wig shade based on whether you have a warm or cool skin tone. Wigs in golden brown, honey brown, chestnut, copper, aubum and warm shades of gray complement a warm skin tone. Ashe blonde, platinum blond, brown, burgundy, dark brown and black work with cool skin tones.

5.Wig Cap

Wig hair attaches to a base called the wig cap. Synthetic fiber or human hair wefts may be machine sewn, hand sewn or hand-tied to the cap. Most wigs have a machine-sewn standard cap that tends to be the least expensive option. A capless style offers more ventilation for the wearer and makes the wig lightweight and cool. Monofilament caps feature hair hand-tied to a soft micromesh that both looks natural and offers comfort to those with sensitive scalps.

Many women buy a wig that they think will look good on them and then hope for the best. By taking the time to research your options in hair fiber, color, style and fit. You'll ensure that you purchase the right wig for your needs.

Whether choosing a wig for fashion, hair loss or convenience, women need to feel confident and comfortable while wearing Human Hair wig. Many consumers aren't aware of the options available and don't know what to look for when buying a wig

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